The High Point Branch of the NAACP advocates say “NO” to so- called election integrity ~ “The Rise of Jim Crow.” A moment in time is upon us and “terms of endearment” that define this moment compels us ~~ “ the inalienable right for everyone to vote without threat or constraint.” Here we go again, instead of making life better and voting more accessible for North Carolinians, the war on democracy and equity continues to disrupt a North Carolina political structure admired by some and envied by others. (Nichol, 2020, Indecent Assembly).
North Carolina legislators have revived a variety of anti-voter, Jim Crow 2.0 bills aimed at creating barriers
to the ballot and stripping funding for our local elections.
Under the guise of so-called “Election Integrity,” Senate Bills 88 and 89 further suppress the vote,
particularly in black and brown communities. These bills directly impact already under-resourced areas,
and further limit voting access for all North Carolinians.
- SB 88 (Election Day Integrity Act) makes absentee voting harder by shortening the window when absentee ballots can be returned, creating confusion, and decreasing accessibility for voters.
- SB 89 (Prohibit Private Money in Elections) prohibits local Boards of Elections from accepting
vital grant funds, creating financial challenges for local administrations that will impact already
under-resourced communities.
This is all part of an ongoing strategy to silence voters and attack North Carolinians’ freedom to vote.
Contact your legislators and Say “NO” to legislation that makes it more difficult to vote. Are you registered
to vote? To ensure you are registered to vote: