General Meeting
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The function of the Membership Committee is to: (1) work throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association; (2) be responsible for planning and organizing the annual membership campaign; and (3) be responsible on a continuous basis for soliciting new members and for securing renewals.
The Executive Committee shall: (1) have general control of the affairs and program of the branch, subject to the authority of the branch and the provisions of the Branch Constitution; (2) creates special committees as needs arise; (3) fills all vacancies in branch offices; (4) decides matters of branch policy subject to endorsement by the […]
The NAACP National Education Program strives to ensure that all students have access to equal and high-quality public education by eliminating education-related racial and ethnic disparities in our public schools. The function of the Education Committee is to: (1) seek to eliminate segregation and other discriminatory practices in public education; (2) study local educational conditions […]
The Committee on Armed Services and Veteran’s; Affairs shall: (1) study conditions pertaining to veterans in the community; (2) serve as a center of information on material issued affecting African American veterans; (3) serve as a source of information to veterans and their families seeking information on government agencies serving veterans and; (4) receive and […]
General Meetings are held every FIRST TUESDAY of the month at 7:00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
The Housing Committee shall: (1) study housing conditions in the local community; (2) receive and seek to adjust complaints of discrimination; (3) oppose all restrictive practices whether public or private and; (4) disseminate information and render such other assistance which may eliminate discrimination in housing.
The committee shall: (1) consist of the president, treasurer, and at least one other member; (2) study the financial needs of the branch; (3) be responsible for drafting an adequate annual budget; (4) draft the annual branch budget with the executive committee and ask each standing committee to give an estimate of budgetary needs for […]
While much progress has been made in the area of gender equality over the past two decades, women of the 21st century continue to face challenges in the form of unequal pay, peer pressure, rising college costs, and a glass ceiling in the workforce.
The Economic Development committee is to promote the growth of entrepreneurship among African Americans and increase employment opportunities with private and public entities. The Economic Development Committee shall implement local efforts and support national programs to preserve and expand economic empowerment among African Americans and other communities of color.
The NAACP Criminal Justice Committee aims to advocate for and advance a better public safety system that reduces the reliance on prisons as a means of solving social problems, advances effective law enforcement, and removes barriers to voting and employment for formerly incarcerated people. The Criminal Justice Department will accomplish its goal in ways that […]