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One High Point, One Community: Transforming Youth Unity Rally

The High Point NAACP Youth Council (HPYC Unit 59i1) and the High Point NAACP Religious Affairs Committee are excited to announce the upcoming Transforming Youth Unity Rally. This special event is scheduled for Saturday, June 22nd, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the...


Join us as we celebrate elegance and inspiration at the “Exceptional Women Who Make A Difference” Mother’s Day Tea presented by the Women in NAACP (WIN) of the High Point Branch. This prestigious event will take place at the Golden Doors Event Center in High Point,...

Black Agenda Healthcare Forum

NAACP High Point Branch Presents: Black Agenda Healthcare Forum When: Thursday, April 04 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Where: Williams Memorial CME Church, 3400 Triangle Lake Rd, High Point, NC 27260 Format: Hybrid In-Person and Online Panel Discussion with Q&A Live Stream...

High Point NAACP Achieves 2023 Branch of the Year

The education, advocacy, and actions of the High Point Branch NAACP,  #5405B,  was recognized at the 80th Annual NAACP State Convention,  held September 28-30, 2023, in Wilmington NC. Our High Point University Collegiate Chapter was present to celebrate with us. The...

High Point City Council Pass Recommendations ~ One High Point Commission on Reparations

The High Point Branch of the NAACP announces, “High Point City Council passes recommendations by the One High Point Commission on Reparations.”  The recommendations are based on quantifiable data submitted by subject matter experts. To review the data presented by the...

NAACP Shirts for Sale

Print this order form You may submit your filled order form with your payment or email it back using the email address on the bottom of the form. Use the link below to pay and upload your order form....

SB 747 (Omnibus Elections Bill) Problematic, Discriminatory, and Suppresses the Vote

Our democracy is based on freedom, fairness, and choice. But here in North Carolina, a power grab is upon us. Extremists who want control over our elections are pushing for legislation that would limit our freedom to vote and diminish our voices. Our election process...

High Point Branch NAACP Advocates Medicaid Unwinding Problematic for the Most Vulnerable

With the national emergency declaration ending May 11, 2023, another national emergency evolves – more than half of those with Medicaid coverage will be terminated (3 million African Americans, 5 million Latinos, 1 million Asian and Pacific Islanders).  The first...

The High Point Branch of the NAACP advocates “Tell Your NC Representatives to Reject SB 747.”

This anti-voter bill would inject needless meddling by extremists who seek to limit access to the ballot box. The so-called N. C. Election Integrity Network is up to “no good.”    Senate Bill 747 Would: Allow anyone to violate privacy and challenge legitimate...

Celebration of Father’s Day

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us as we pay tribute to our community’s most courageousgentlemen. The men of honor in our lives who have made significant contributions to our families, our churches, and our community. During the Father’s Day...
(336) 887-2470 for Questions


One High Point, One Community: Transforming Youth Unity Rally

The High Point NAACP Youth Council (HPYC Unit 59i1) and the High Point NAACP Religious Affairs Committee are excited to announce the upcoming Transforming Youth Unity Rally. This special event is scheduled for Saturday, June 22nd, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the...


Join us as we celebrate elegance and inspiration at the “Exceptional Women Who Make A Difference” Mother’s Day Tea presented by the Women in NAACP (WIN) of the High Point Branch. This prestigious event will take place at the Golden Doors Event Center in High Point,...

Black Agenda Healthcare Forum

NAACP High Point Branch Presents: Black Agenda Healthcare Forum When: Thursday, April 04 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Where: Williams Memorial CME Church, 3400 Triangle Lake Rd, High Point, NC 27260 Format: Hybrid In-Person and Online Panel Discussion with Q&A Live Stream...

High Point NAACP Achieves 2023 Branch of the Year

The education, advocacy, and actions of the High Point Branch NAACP,  #5405B,  was recognized at the 80th Annual NAACP State Convention,  held September 28-30, 2023, in Wilmington NC. Our High Point University Collegiate Chapter was present to celebrate with us. The...

High Point City Council Pass Recommendations ~ One High Point Commission on Reparations

The High Point Branch of the NAACP announces, “High Point City Council passes recommendations by the One High Point Commission on Reparations.”  The recommendations are based on quantifiable data submitted by subject matter experts. To review the data presented by the...

NAACP Shirts for Sale

Print this order form You may submit your filled order form with your payment or email it back using the email address on the bottom of the form. Use the link below to pay and upload your order form....

SB 747 (Omnibus Elections Bill) Problematic, Discriminatory, and Suppresses the Vote

Our democracy is based on freedom, fairness, and choice. But here in North Carolina, a power grab is upon us. Extremists who want control over our elections are pushing for legislation that would limit our freedom to vote and diminish our voices. Our election process...

High Point Branch NAACP Advocates Medicaid Unwinding Problematic for the Most Vulnerable

With the national emergency declaration ending May 11, 2023, another national emergency evolves – more than half of those with Medicaid coverage will be terminated (3 million African Americans, 5 million Latinos, 1 million Asian and Pacific Islanders).  The first...

The High Point Branch of the NAACP advocates “Tell Your NC Representatives to Reject SB 747.”

This anti-voter bill would inject needless meddling by extremists who seek to limit access to the ballot box. The so-called N. C. Election Integrity Network is up to “no good.”    Senate Bill 747 Would: Allow anyone to violate privacy and challenge legitimate...

Celebration of Father’s Day

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us as we pay tribute to our community’s most courageousgentlemen. The men of honor in our lives who have made significant contributions to our families, our churches, and our community. During the Father’s Day...


On Monday February 7th 2022, history was made for the City of High Point and the High Point branch of the NAACP. By a 5-4 vote, the city council adopted a resolution for the One High Point Commission to explore community reparations for the African-American citizens of High Point, North Carolina. Since September 2021, our branch has worked with the council and city staff to negotiate the language of the NAACP Branch’s original resolution requesting a reparations commission. Through the creation of the One High Point Commission, we believe the council has honored the spirit of our request. We are extremely excited about this milestone achievement in the seeking of justice and equity in our great city. 

For over 244 years High Point profited off the backs of Black people. Now is the time to address the harm, injustice and economic deprivation that generations of cruelty, brutality and the inhumanity of slavery and legal segregation has wrought on the Black community. The descendants of slaves have endured murder, rape, sodomy, crimes against nature and an assault against their financial and economic sustainability.

It is our belief that the descendants and de facto beneficiaries of the perpetrators must publicly apologize and that the descendants of those against whom these atrocities were leveled must receive restitution. 

What restitution is: the redistribution of tangible resources that make up for the 244-year head start in the building and transference of generational wealth. 

What restitution is not: social programs, affirmative action and reversing harmful policies without providing compensation for their detrimental effects.

Within the next few months, the One High Point Commission will officially be impaneled and begin its work studying the generations-long history of  slavery, anti-black racism and discrimination, outright theft, and deprivation as it relates to the City of High Point and begin exploring remedial actions it can recommend to city council to address the lingering effects. 

Of course, as is too often the case when dealing with Black people’s issues, Monday’s vote did not proceed without its fair share of antics and disingenuous excuse making. As some council members struggled valiantly to keep the discussion on topic, the dissenters caterwauled endlessly about everything from international law to iPad passwords. The events of Monday, however promising the result, indeed demonstrate that it may not be smooth sailing from here to Justice. 

About the High Point NAACP: The NAACP’s principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of the United States and to eliminate race prejudice. The NAACP seeks to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through the democratic process. It is a 501 (C) (4) organization.

More Information:
Vote results and campaign information